Workout Splits/Routines

Strongr Fastr's workout routines are indexed below by type of workout split (i.e. how many days per week you'll be working out). Click on the type of split you want to run to view all routines that follow that split. You can also use the workout builder/generator if you need more help finding a routine that's suitable for you and your goals. Our database has routines for beginners to advanced, for men and women, and for the home and gym.

What is a workout split?

A workout split describes how many workouts a routine has per week and which body parts those workouts will be working. For example, a 6 day push/pull/legs (PPL) split is a workout schedule that has you working out 6 days per week with 2 workouts for pushing muscles (e.g. chest, triceps), 2 workouts for pulling muscles (e.g. upper back, biceps) and 2 workouts for legs.

What is the most effective workout split?

The short answer is that for most people the ideal split is either a 3 day full body split (3 full body workouts per week) or a 4 day upper body/lower body split (2 upper body workouts and 2 lower body workouts per week). Generally, the evidence shows that optimal results happen when you're hitting each muscle group 2+ times per week, and both these types of splits check that box. 5 and 6 day splits can be highly effective too, and in many cases may actually be slightly more optimal, but for the average person the slight optimality gains are likely to be more than offset by the extra difficulty of fitting in those extra 1 or 2 workouts every week. The key thing about achieving any fitness goal is that it requires consistency over long periods of time so picking a routine that's sustainable for you to stick to should be the priority and with that in mind even something like a 2 day full body split (2 full body workouts per week) could be the best option for you.

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