Egg wrap with ham and cheese
Egg wrap with ham and cheese
190 cals, 18p, 1c, 13f (per meal)
  • ,
  • 1 slice (23g)
  • 1 tbsp, shredded (7g)
  • 2 large (100g)
  • 1
    Crack eggs and separate out whites and yolks in separate bowls.
    Lightly mix the egg whites with a fork and pour them into a small, greased, non-stick skillet over low heat, making sure mixture lays evenly in the bottom in the shape of a circle.
    While egg white is cooking, mix in the ham, cheese, and salt/pepper to taste to the egg yolk bowl. Mix well.
    Once egg white has firmed a bit, flip it over and finish cooking the other side.
    Remove egg white wrap and pour in egg yolk mixture to the skillet. Cook until done.
    While egg white wrap is still warm, use it as a tortilla and add in the egg-yolk mixture.
    Wrap up and serve.
    To store: you can make these in bulk by wrapping them up in plastic and storing in the fridge. Reheat gently in microwave when ready to eat.
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