Skillet cauliflower tots
Skillet cauliflower tots
105 cals, 5p, 4c, 7f (per meal)
  • 1 cup(s), riced (128g)
  • 1 extra large (56g)
  • 1 tsp (3g)
  • 2 tsp (10mL)
  • 1/2 tbsp (8mL)
  • 1
    In a skillet, heat some of the oil and cook the garlic until soft and fragrant.
    Meanwhile, in a bowl, combine the riced cauliflower, the egg, and some salt and pepper to taste. Once the garlic is done, add it to the bowl and mix well.
    Add the remaining oil to the skillet. Using your hands, mold the cauliflower mixture into nugget-size shapes. The mixture may not stick together well at this point, but once it starts cooking it will solidify more.
    Place the nuggets into the oil and cook for a couple minutes until golden. Flip and cook another couple minutes.
    Serve with some hot sauce.
    To store: keep in airtight container in fridge for a day or two. Reheat gently in microwave before serving.
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