Meal Details
Scrambled egg whites
1. Scrambled egg whites
180 cals, 20p, 1c, 11f (per meal)
  • 3 tbsp (45mL)
  • 3 cup (729g)
  • Recipe has been scaled from original by 3x. Adjust cook times and pan sizes accordingly.
    Whisk egg whites and a generous pinch of salt in a mixing bowl until the eggs appear frothy, about 40 seconds.
    Heat oil in a skillet over medium-low heat. Pour in egg whites, and once they start to set, scramble them with a spatula.
    Once eggs are set, transfer to a plate and season with some fresh cracked pepper. Serve.
    Celery and almond butter
    2. Celery and almond butter
    300 cals, 10p, 5c, 24f (per meal)
  • 3 stalk, medium (7-1/2" - 8" long) (120g)
  • 1 1/2 oz (43g)
  • Recipe has been scaled from original by 1.5x. Adjust cook times and pan sizes accordingly.
    Clean celery and slice to desired lengths
    Spread almond butter along center
    3. Blackberries
    120 cals, 4p, 11c, 1f (per meal)
  • ,
  • 7 cup (1008g)
  • Recipe has been scaled from original by 7x. Adjust cook times and pan sizes accordingly.
    Rinse blackberries and serve.
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