Glute Progression

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Focus on using your glutes and squeeze them at the top without arching your back.

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Tuck your chin and tilt your pelvis upward to focus on the glutes and avoid excessive arching of the low back.

Squeeze your glutes at the top.

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Squeeze your glutes at the top without arching the low back.

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Squeeze your glutes at the top without arching the low back.

A closer chair/bench shifts focus from hamstrings to glutes.

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One cycle through each leg counts as one rep.

Don't let the hips sag or excessively arch the low back.

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Avoid leaning/tilting to one side or the other.

Squeeze your glute at the top without arching the low back.

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Avoid leaning/tilting to one side or the other.

Squeeze your glute at the top without arching the low back.

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Avoid leaning/tilting to one side or the other.

Squeeze your glute at the top without arching the low back.

A closer chair/bench shifts focus from the hamstring to glute.

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