Russian curl Progression

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Bench/object should be slightly higher than knee height.

Edge of bench should be right where butt/low back meet.

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Bench/object should be slightly higher than knee height.

Edge of bench should be around mid-back.

Keep glutes flexed to maintain rigidity from mid-back to knee.

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Bench/object should be slightly higher than knee height.

Only the shoulders should be resting on the bench.

Keep glutes flexed and back neutral to maintain rigidity from shoulder to knee.

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Keep glutes flexed and back neutral to maintain rigidity from shoulder to knee.

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Bench/object should be slightly higher than knee height.

Edge of bench should be around mid-back.

Keep glutes flexed to maintain rigidity from mid-back to knee.

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Use your arm as little as possible and don't bend at the hip.

If you don't have a partner, you can use any heavy object to anchor yourself.

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Arms should be on the ground at 45 degrees to body.

Same as arm-supported single-leg sliding leg curl but arms should be behind the head or perpendicular to body.

Same as arm-assisted half Russian curl, but without any arm assistance.

In a kneeling position with your feet anchored by something sturdy, lean forward by extending at the knee until your chest touches the ground, then return to the starting position.

Use your arms for support as needed but keep your glutes tight and body static from shoulders to knees throughout the movement.

In a kneeling position with your feet anchored by something sturdy, lean forward by extending at the knee until your chest touches the ground, then return to the starting position.

On the way up use your arms for support as needed.

Keep your glutes tight and body static from shoulders to knees throughout the movement.

In a kneeling position with your feet anchored by something sturdy, lean forward by extending at the knee until your chest touches the ground, then return to the starting position.

Keep your glutes tight and body static from shoulders to knees throughout the movement.

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